
Monday, February 21, 2011


In life, sometimes there are people who no matter how long it's been, (or how distant they've been), you still get that same feeling everytime you see them. I guess my title is sort of a clue. Maybe it's just me...and yet deep inside, I'm hoping you somehow know what I mean. I can't help it. I still wish things have been different and that what had made our relationship complicated would somehow disappear for awhile.

I try to live my life without regrets. I have always believed that the things I went through happened for a reason. The scars I earned from the mistakes I made have made me the person that I am today and without a doubt, I'm thankful for these life lessons. I have more appreciation for the value life because of these things. But when I lose someone, for reasons beyond my understanding, it almost always make me so helpless and vulnerable...and oddly enough, regretful -- even when in reality, there was nothing I could have done to keep them from leaving.

In my heart, I long to say how much I miss them and how I wished we could let go of that which has kept us apart.

Maybe this is my way of reaching out to you and letting you know that in spite of everything, I still prefer to live in a world when I had you in my life.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

play me something

The last few days, I've been hearing this voice in my head saying, "Time to update! Time to update!" and soon enough, I couldn't ignore it any longer. I didn't have anything exciting to share and so the idea of just sitting and writing seemed harder and harder. But alas, I think I'm sort of out of the rut. I mean, come on, Valentine's Day has come and gone, and not one post of anything crafty. I must be out of my mind!

Anyway, I'm not much of a V-day kind of person, I actually think it's sort of ridiculous when you think about the amount of money people spend on flowers and stupid looking bears you will end up throwing out before the end of the year...However --- Meet Sponge Bob.

I can't remember where we got him exactly. It must be from a Happy Meal or something, but he's actually pretty cool. He has the capacity to record short phrases which you can later play and listen to. At times when I hardly see A because of our conflicting work schedules, we would leave random, albeit corny, short messages through him to amuse each other and serve as a reminder that we are not that far from each other after all. I know, right? We're cheesy that way =P

Anyway...he's been sort of sitting near our message board by the door, and for awhile, we've actually forgotten about him. One day, as I was heading out the door for a night shift, I randomly picked him up and pressed play. It was A of course saying, "in the drawer" (which is definitely different from his usual "you're ugly", and "I love you" messages). I kept thinking, I wonder when he recorded this message....and there, in the drawer was a light blue box with a white ribbon. Yes, one of my favorite things! And no, it wasn't Valentine's Day. See girls, the way I see it, I don't need Valentine's Day to be showered with love. A is more than enough. =)

Anyway, in light of getting out of the rut, I'm cooking again. I even managed to bake again. It's been awhile and I'm just happy I'm slowly starting to feel like my normal self. 

Anyway, I hope you're all feeling better than I am and spending wonderful times with your respective families.

 Happy Family Day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

post-vacation blues

Everything's been such a blur since we got back. Our sleep (and stomachs) have been messed up. I honestly thought since I do shift work, it'll be easy to adjust. But I still wake up at 3 am and I still sleep for most of the day and it's been almost two weeks! Anyway, I miss the weather (compared to our daily -20s over here) and I definitely miss my crazy (and huge!) family. This is not even all of them! Any of you have a bigger family than this??
Anyway, I'm sure the post-vacation blues will go away soon, and I'll have more interesting posts in no time! Here's to dreaming of our next vacation adventure, sandy beaches and clear blue waters =)

Monday, February 07, 2011

Contest Winners

I apologize for the sloppiness and late postings. A and I must have gotten something right before we left, or  on the plane or something to explain how sick we both have been the last few days. In between work, all I ever wanted to do was sleep, which is weird for me, because God knows I always find something amusing to do.

Anyway, to make up for it, I am giving all the girls who commented my holiday gift giving post a necklace of their choice. Kate and Glovelle, I have camera necklaces for you gals. Jen, contact me about which necklace you want to receive. And Glovelle, let me know how to contact you so you can claim your prize =)

Be safe, everyone!