
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sneak Peek: Jacky + Luc

Jacky and Luc's wedding at the AGO was breathtakingly beautiful! Here are a couple of pictures for you to view (and love!!). More to come!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sneak Peek!

So excited about what we're currently working on from our back to back wedding weekend! Here's a sneak peek!

Friday, June 17, 2011

rainbow cake and pinwheels cupcakes :)

Haven't had a food update in a today, I whipped something up, just for you =)
Ever since I saw Martha Stewart's Rainbow Cake recipe, I knew I had to try it someday. And boy how happy it made me =)

If you want to do this the easy way, (like I did) use white cake mix and Williams Sonoma's decorating pastes in primary colours. 
 I used a tiny 4inch cake pan and sliced them into two halves, which in the end yield two tiny cakes.
 My uneven layers haha but still, how much do you love these layers????

Excuse my messed up icing job, I ran out of icing for ambitiously thinking I can use one batch for two cakes! I love this rainbow cake!

love, love, love!

Click for Martha Stewart's recipe! Although, as I said, I used a white cake mix with homemade cream cheese icing. I also made these cupcakes today for a gender neutral baby shower. I love pinwheels =)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

love what you do

Find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life. 
- Jim Fox

One thing I love about photography is that it never feels like work. I was off my regular day job for 8 days, and in between we were working on these photo sessions. The planning and editing breezed through, and there was no stress, or pressure. It just felt like a fun afternoon. There was a sense of achievement as we see how great the photographs turned out. Just seeing the results were rewarding enough.

All I can think about now is how much we crave for more moments like this. And that someday, our dreams of capturing more of these moments will come true =)

Friday, June 10, 2011

girlfriends photo session

One of our closest friends, Jesamine is moving to Singapore this June and we had this awesome idea to do a Girlfriends photo shoot before she leaves. So after work, we all headed down to High Park and had so much fun with this shoot. 

 doing what we do best :) haha!
 Kate is stunning! love love love!

I can't stress enough how much fun this was! Raxxy, wish you could have joined us yesterday! =)

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

picnic themed anniversary photo shoot!

An anniversary photoshoot! Love, love, love!

 this is actually quite hard to do on self-timer. I guess a wireless remote is in our future =)

and the winner of our Tiffany and Co. Thank You Giveaway is.....

Haha, so we had an idea to video blog our winner for our Thank You Giveaway. Excuse our awkwardness as we are both camera shy haha =) arms are huge! Do know that the camera adds 10 pounds. Hahaha, or so I wish that was true =P Shout out to my loving husband, A. Happy three years, baby!!! xoxo

Anyway, Congratulations Jillian! We will contact you for more details on how to claim your prize =)

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Sneak Peek: Ann + Jamie

Oh my! Tomorrow, we announce the winner of our Tiffany and Co. Gift Certificate! Are you excited yet??? I know I am! Anyway, we're so happy with how the pictures are turning out from Ann and Jamie's wedding. Here's a sneak peek!

Monday, June 06, 2011

mom and facebook :)

My mom just joined Facebook and I think just spent the last hour tagging her photos in all our albums. Haha! Gotta love her! Soon enough, she'll be reading my blog (hey, Mom! Thanks for the homemade bread!) Oh yeah, she bought a breadmaker over the weekend and has been on a bread-making frenzy. I guess that's it for store bought breads. I'll be coming over every week for her freshly baked breads!

I miss my mom making me "baon". I loved how she used to wake up early and actually cook us all a nice homecooked meal to bring for lunch. I miss it specially these days when I wake up late (and frazzled!) in the mornings and then have to think about making A his "baon". We used to take turns getting up early to make lunch and A would pack me the funniest combinations of food. I then have to explain why I have a can of Vienna sausages in my lunch bag. Oh, he loved those sausages! A would come home with his lunch half eaten, and I would get upset about the wasted food, just like mom used to be. I guess that's the funny thing about living apart from your parents. You end up realizing just how similar you truly are.

Anyway, it's barbecue season in Toronto and I'm stuck here at work. Hope you all had a good weekend!

Saturday, June 04, 2011

wedding trend: colourful groomsmen socks!

If the women can wear colourful shoes for the wedding, why not coloured socks and funky shoes for the men??? Love these ideas!!!
This is too funny!!

beautiful ring shots

Wow, it's actually JUNE! The month of love, or actually, our month of love =) A few more days before our anniversary and we're still thinking of fun things to do since it's our first time hanging out in the city at this time of the year: Year 1 was Vegas, Year 2 in Bermuda. Anyway, since we're thinking about love and weddings, June is definitely well known as the Wedding Month, hence the term June brides. I can't begin to tell you how excited we are about our wedding projects this year!

One of my favourite wedding detail shots are the ring shots. Here are some uber creative inspirations found on the web. 
Oh, I'm gonna die of cuteness!!
 How yummy does this look???

Here are some of our ring shots from the weddings we've done.