
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

back from paradise...

First stop -- San Juan, Puerto Rico

It was craziness having to drive to New York for our San Juan flight but I love NYC and I would not pass up an opportunity to visit one of my favorite cities in the world. So, we travelled by night and got to New York in the morning. We detoured and had lunch at Shake Shack and did an impromptu tour driving around Manhattan. Ate Jann and Mike haven't really had the chance to go around NYC so we volunteered to show them around, drove by The Empire State Building and Fifth Avenue, passed by Soho and Ground Zero, used a coin operated public toilet by Madison Square Park (pretty cool, by the way) and at the end of it all, we ended up parked on a side street, sleeping in broad daylight in the city that never sleeps.

We've been travelling for about a day and a half by the time we got to Puerto Rico. We were all tired and sleep-deprived. By 6 am in the morning the day of the cruise, we were just ecstatic to see a Wendy's by the airport serving breakfast who by the way, served amazing pure Puerto Rican coffee. Timmy's have some serious competition.
A few more hours, we got to the port and this is what we saw.
Beautiful, huh? I think I would have appreciated it more if I wasn't so sleep deprived. We had to wait a few more hours before sailing, so we managed to catch some sleep. There were lots of sleeping pictures roaming around to A's and my nephews' amusement. Alas, the wait was over and this was what was waiting for us...
Don't you just love all you can eat buffets??
Meanwhile, in the stateroom, A's making sure the lifejacket fits.
And I'm making sure I'm catching up on my work-out routine. Note the horror in my face.
Who am I kidding? I don't even work out when I'm not on vacation! What a hypocrite!
The best part -- getting the chance to hang out with my sisters for a few days =)
More pictures and stories soon...

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