
Sunday, July 10, 2011

time for a change

Do you ever get that feeling sometimes, almost like you're being spread thin? I've been feeling like that lately. Instead of being out, enjoying the beautiful summer weather, I've been finding myself stuck at home, editing, laying out photobooks, and planning future appointments. It's weird. Even the occasional baking hasn't been enough to lift up my spirits. You gotta know how much harder I try not to post anything depressing or negative. I feel like I owe it to myself to only blog about things that were meaningful and insightful. But I realize now that covering up frustrations is not necessarily healthy either. I guess it's not harmful to allow yourself to wallow and grunt sometimes. It tells me that maybe this is a reason for a change in attitude....for a change in perspective.

I want to tell you how lucky I am for despite all these uncertainties, and I should say minor frustrations. A was exceptionally kind and understanding of me this week. I used to tell him how much growing older depresses me, and he didn't fail to reverse my negativity about this particular day. Instead, he showed me why I should be thankful for having such wonderful friends and family, who love me no matter what. When I was stuck editing and have failed to attend to household chores, he cleaned, did laundry, made dinner and even made sure I was hydrated and fed. To have been blessed with a wonderful husband, I must have done something right.

So maybe this week, we need a change in scenery. We're still editing, but it wouldn't hurt to sit in the park instead of our regular make-shift office table. While at it, I am scheduling some swimming time. Summer will be gone before we know it. I hope you're all well and enjoying your summer. =)

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