
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

random stuff

Hello! I wanted to write a post about pinwheels, but this computer at work is ancient and would not let me save, let alone upload pictures on to the blog because of some browser incompatibility problems. Oh well. It just feels weird letting a few days pass without some sort of post or update, so here I am =)

We've been busy with our regular day jobs (yes, we are still working like normal people, in case some are wondering), and a few interesting shoots that we can't wait to share with you soon. We did some fun newborn shoot over the weekend, as well as a cute engagement shoot we just started editing. Hopefully, I'll be able to upload some teasers soon. The weekends are really starting to look busy with engagement appointments, so we're somehow trying to sneak in a few side trips here and there so here's a peek of our trip planning the next few months. We're hoping there'll be bride and grooms who may be interested in booking us while we're visiting the following cities, because we'd love to meet and chat with all of you =)

May 19-21: Tobermory, Ontario
May 31-June 3: Chicago, Illinois
June 4 - 8: Orlando, Florida
July 6-9: TBA

Anyway, are you guys following us on Instagram yet?? If not, please do so, we'd love to see your pictures as well. Our usernames: janapearls and adrianp81 respectively (How obvious is it that Mr. Pearls was born 1981?? haha). I love meeting interesting people from different places and it's such an amazing way to meet fellow photographers/photography enthusiasts as well. Also, it's a great avenue for promoting our business although, I'm a bit wary when it comes to file sharing that sometimes happen either accidentally or intentionally. Just recently one of our photos ended up on a Tumblr blog without any sort of watermark and/or credit info and it's upsetting because, just because we are not the type of photographers who bathe their photos in watermark labels doesn't mean we don't expect our work to be recognized or associated with us. So a simple advice to everyone. Be careful with what you're posting online. If it's not your picture, please give credit to the people who actually worked hard to take them. You never know what sort of copyright lawsuit you can run into if you're not careful. On a lighter note, warmer days are upon us and we can't wait to start wedding season the next few weeks =)

Happy Wednesday!

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